Postal Problems

Recent USPS delays are a problem our political leaders need to address

By Tonx


July 30, 2020


This week we’ve seen unusual and sometimes serious delays in many of our coffee shipments to customers. We’ve become very good at interfacing with USPS and monitor the progress of each week’s shipments closely and we’ve done a lot of work to optimize how our packages move into their system. Starting this week we’re also adjusting our roasting schedule by a full day to get shipments in earlier to compensate for some of the new uncertainties.

Like so many other small businesses, the speed, reliability, and affordability of USPS First Class parcel rates are what make our business possible — private carrier’s rates and services do not come close. The United States Postal service is an enduring marvel and we stan the roughly half million essential workers who perform these everyday miracles that are too easily taken for granted.

Based on recent press and conversations with our many connections inside the USPS, it’s clear that destructive austerity measures being pushed by recently appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy — under the cover of the coronavirus and increased package volumes — are largely responsible. Whether the primary motive is to interfere with the massive upcoming vote-by-mail deluge or to further the goals of private interests seeking to frack the USPS for parts, we believe it’s important for all Americans to recognize and resist the threat to one of our oldest and best shared institutions.

I’d encourage readers to check out this excellent overview of the current USPS manufactured crisis at The Intercept, then contact your Congressional representatives and remind them how important USPS and it’s employees are during this time of pandemic and for the upcoming election.

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